Social Frontiers
Blurring the Edges: A Creative Exploration of Social Frontiers
A look at the idea of social frontiers through performance, visual art, conversation and debate. The work is a result of a collaboration between Professor Gwilym Pryce and 'Life at the Frontier' researchers at the Sheffield Methods Institute, myself as a Bulgarian-born, Sheffield-based artist/cultural producer & Rotherham based visual artist Uzma Rani.
Sept 2022 at the Spiegeltent in Sheffield as part of Festival of the Mind
Sept 2023 at ROAR, Rotherham
May 2024 at The Circle as part of the Festival of Debate at
June 2024 at Softground as part of Migration Matters Festival at
It includes a performative discussion, the audience being able to try Bulgarian & Pakistani cuisine, a VR installation, 2 new pieces of artwork, a soundscape and Q&A with the audience after.
Social frontiers arise when there are sharp differences in the demographic composition of adjacent communities.
For more on Life at the Frontier:
This is the beginning of an exchange and programme of activity.
Produced by Claire Gilbert, Sound Design for Soundscape by Jovana Backovic with thanks to Professor Gwilym Pryce, Dr Aneta Piekut, Henry Staples,Matt Butt, ROAR Rotherham and to our community who helped us record the Blurring the Edges soundscape
Uzma Rani is a Rotherham based abstract/impressionist artist and calligrapher, working predominantly with alcohol ink and acrylic/oil paint creating mixed media art inspired by both nature and her surroundings as well as her own cultural heritage and religion.

Watch the film made by the University of Sheffield as part of the most recent work in Rotherham.

To view the AR exhibition - please scan the code with your smartphone. Open the camera app and click on where it says ‘open in..’ You need to have Instagram as an app installed to be able to see it.
For the best experience, make sure you are not on selfie mode. (Press the icon with two arrows)
Feel free to record & share on social media
Listen to the soundscape below.