Past Projects

Sheffield Pioneers
I took part in a 6 month peer-led group hosted by Stella McKenna using the Enrol Yourself methodology. My learning questions was: how do I bring all the things I do under one cohesive umbrella? Which morphed into: How to work less and create more?
The exploration culminated in a public showcase on 18th November 2023 in Sheffield.
Becoming [...]
A series of co-created performative exhibitions, gatherings and spaces for work that will challenge and interrogate national identity and who gets to decide what that national identity is. Each iteration centered immigrant narratives and experiences through interviews, workshops & commissioning work.
BECOMING CZECH Centrum experimentálního divadla, Brno, Czechia
Monday 21 March - Tuesday 22 March
BECOMING ROMANIAN Replika Center, Bucharest, Romania
Thursday 21 April
BECOMING GERMAN/ALMAN Oyoun, Berlin, Germany
Thursday 26 May & Friday 27 May
BECOMING BRITISH Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre St, Sheffield, S1 4RB
Friday 17 June - 27 June 2022 (as part of Migration Matters Festival)​
The Snake bites the Hardest when it knows it is Dying
The Snake is a documentary theatre piece, narrating in a fragmented way what happened to two Bulgarian women who opposed big business and the ruling party.
Watch our March 2021 online R&D (starts from 24min) <<<<< here

With One Voice / Arts & Homelessness International
In 2017 I started working with Streetwise Opera. What was meant to be a short term freelance contract ended up being a life-changing 5 year long journey. I first joined the team as Development Manager helping to raise 200K+ budget for the With One Voice international arts & homelessness movement Streetwise was incubating. I then became the movement's International Producer, delivering the Doodle of Ducie Street mural and the world´s first arts & homelessness summit and festival.
In 2019, With One Voice became an independent charity which I helped set up with director Matt Peacock. From 2019 to 2022 as Arts & Homelessness International's executive producer I worked to advocate for the inclusion of creativity in homelessness provision around the UK and abroad. I co-created training for cultural spaces responding to homelessness challenges and a brand new leadership programme for people who are or have been homeless. I delivered workshops and talks whilst looking after the movements' strategy, fundraising and daily operations. In February 2022 I left AHI to focus on my freelance creative practice.
The People’s Tribunal On Crimes of Aggression: Afghanistan Series
In summer 2021 I shadowed BÉZNÄ‚ Theatre as Assistant Director on their directional artistic tribunal built and run by impacted communities. It was a great insight into some of the company’s process around gathering interviews, dramaturgy and walking the line between fictional and real life accounts.
To read more about BÉZNÄ‚ Theatre’s work visit:

Seeds: The round Shape of all Things Red
In 2019 I directed the Arcola Theatre’s Women Group. I worked with 20 other women from all walks of life (some professionally trained and others not) to create a devised show based on mythological stories from around the world. Through this lens we explored our lived experiences and interrogated the stories that feed our beliefs of who we are/should be.
Seeds was a great experience and a super moving show with some dark accents. Unfortunately, a few pomegranates were hurt in the process… (but turned into jam afterwards!)
Between 2014 and 2017 I took part in TCFT, a residential style festival which grew into a transnational, youth-led network of artists, activists and change makers. I took part in the TCFT editions in the UK, Bosnia and Italy and did a variety of things from assisting-producing to creating performances and multimedia happenings and co-artistic directing an epic promenade performance with Cirque Bijou’s Billy Allwen.
TCFT was a great place to connect with peers, learn from established practitioners and find my voice as a young practitioner.

CASA Latin American Theatre Festival
CASA was my very first paid job in the creative industries in the UK! I started as a volunteer and grew to be the festival’s executive producer. Between 2013 and 2016 I supported 77 international and 213 UK based Latin American artists and worked with 36 staff, over 20 paid interns and 100+ volunteers to reach circa 10,000 audiences and 1000+ participants. I worked at Oval House, Rich Mix and the Barbican and managed our offices in Marsh Wall and Hannibal House.
CASA was truly my home and where I learned a lot about producing, managing an organisation and working internationally.